Adding Additional Nodes To a PostgreSQL Replication Setup

Master-slave replication setups can be very useful, as they provide multiple copies of the data for high availability or for scale out purposes. Master slave replication setups can be very useful as they provide multiple copies of the data from a redundancy perspective. In this blog post, we will show you how you can simplify the process of configuring additional slaves nodes to an existing PostgreSQL setup. We will use ClusterControl, which makes the process look easy and almost seamless. One of the prerequisites is passwordless SSH from the ClusterControl node to all new slave nodes.
In order to configure a new slave node, the first step is to choose the Add Replication Slave option from the drop down list in the Overview page

On clicking the Add Replication Slave option, a dialog box is displayed where we need to input the corresponding master host information along with the new slave host information. You can also specify whether you want ClusterControl to install PostgreSQL on the slave host, or if it should use an existing PostgreSQL instance.

Once you click on Add Node button, a job will be spawned. The job status can be viewed by clicking on the Activity menu option as shown below.

Once the job is finished, you will see a list of messages on the screen indicating whether a new PostgreSQL slave node has been successfully deployed or not. As a sanity check, we can confirm the same by clicking on the Nodes menu option. We can see that the new slave node with IP Address is visible under the nodes tab.

That’s it, you’re all good to go.