Comparing Amazon RDS Point-in-Time Recovery to ClusterControl

The Amazon Relational Database Service (AWS RDS) is a fully-managed database service which can support multiple database engines. Among those supported are PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB. ClusterControl, on the other hand, is a database management and automation software which also supports backup handling for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB open source databases.
While RDS has been widely embraced by many companies, some might not be familiar with how their Point-in-time Recovery (PITR) works and how it can be used.
Several of the database engines used by Amazon RDS have special considerations when restoring from a specific point in time, and in this blog we’ll cover how it works for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB. We’ll also compare how it differs with the PITR function in ClusterControl.
What is Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR)
If you are not yet familiar with Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) or Business Continuity Planning (BCP), you should know that PITR is one of the important standard practices for database management. As mentioned in our previous blog, Point In Time Recovery (PITR) involves restoring the database at any given moment in the past. To be able to do this, we will need to restore a full backup and then PITR takes place by applying all the changes that happened at a specific point in time you want to recover.
Point-in-time Recovery (PITR) with AWS RDS
AWS RDS handles PITR differently than the traditional way common to an on-prem database. The end result shares the same concept, but with AWS RDS the full backup is a snapshot, it then applies the PITR (which is stored in S3), and then launches a new (different) database instance.
The common way requires you to either use a logical (using pg_dump, mysqldump, mydumper) or a physical (Percona Xtrabackup, Mariabackup, pg_basebackup, pg_backrest) for your full backup before you apply the PITR.
AWS RDS will require you to launch a new DB instance, whereas the traditional approach allows you to flexibly store the PITR on the same database node where backup was taken or target a different (existing) DB instance that needs recovery or to a fresh DB instance.
Upon creation of your AWS RDS instance automated backups will be turned on. Amazon RDS automatically performs a full daily snapshot of your data. Snapshot schedules can be set during creation at your preferred backup window. While automated backups are turned on, AWS also captures transaction logs to Amazon S3 every 5 minutes recording all your DB updates. Once you initiate a point-in-time recovery, transaction logs are applied to the most appropriate daily backup in order to restore your DB instance to the specific requested time.
How To Apply a PITR with AWS RDS
Applying PITR can be done in three different ways. You can use AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or the Amazon RDS API once the DB instance is available. You must also take into consideration that the transaction logs are captured every five minutes which is then stored in AWS S3.
Once you restore a DB instance, the default DB security group (SG) is applied to the new DB instance. If you need the custom db SG, you can explicitly define this using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI modify-db-instance command, or the Amazon RDS API ModifyDBInstance operation after the DB instance is available.
PITR requires that you need to identify the most latest restorable time for a DB instance. To do this, you can use the AWS CLI describe-db-instances command and look at the value returned in the LatestRestorableTime field for the DB instance. For example,
[root@ccnode ~]# aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier database-s9s-mysql|grep LatestRestorableTime
"LatestRestorableTime": "2020-05-08T07:25:00+00:00",
Applying PITR with AWS Console
To apply PITR in AWS Console, login to AWS Console → go to Amazon RDS → Databases → Select (or click) your desired DB instance, then click Actions. See below,

Once you attempt to restore via PITR, the console UI will notify you what’s the most latest restorable time you can set. You can use the latest restorable time or specify your desired target date and time. See below:

It’s quite easy to follow but it requires you to pay attention and fill in the desired specifications you need for the new instance to be launched.
Applying PITR with AWS CLI
Using the AWS CLI can be quite handy especially if you need to incorporate this with your automation tools for your CI/CD pipeline. To do this, you can start simply with,
[root@ccnode ~]# aws rds restore-db-instance-to-point-in-time
> --source-db-instance-identifier database-s9s-mysql
> --target-db-instance-identifier database-s9s-mysql-pitr
> --restore-time 2020-05-08T07:30:00+00:00
"DBInstance": {
"DBInstanceIdentifier": "database-s9s-mysql-pitr",
"DBInstanceClass": "db.t2.micro",
"Engine": "mysql",
"DBInstanceStatus": "creating",
"MasterUsername": "admin",
"DBName": "s9s",
"AllocatedStorage": 18,
"PreferredBackupWindow": "00:00-00:30",
"BackupRetentionPeriod": 7,
"DBSecurityGroups": [],
"VpcSecurityGroups": [
"VpcSecurityGroupId": "sg-xxxxx",
"Status": "active"
"DBParameterGroups": [
"DBParameterGroupName": "default.mysql5.7",
"ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync"
"DBSubnetGroup": {
"DBSubnetGroupName": "default",
"DBSubnetGroupDescription": "default",
"VpcId": "vpc-f91bdf90",
"SubnetGroupStatus": "Complete",
"Subnets": [
"SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-exxxxx",
"SubnetAvailabilityZone": {
"Name": "us-east-2a"
"SubnetStatus": "Active"
"SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-xxxxx",
"SubnetAvailabilityZone": {
"Name": "us-east-2c"
"SubnetStatus": "Active"
"SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-xxxxxx",
"SubnetAvailabilityZone": {
"Name": "us-east-2b"
"SubnetStatus": "Active"
"PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "fri:06:01-fri:06:31",
"PendingModifiedValues": {},
"MultiAZ": false,
"EngineVersion": "5.7.22",
"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true,
"ReadReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers": [],
"LicenseModel": "general-public-license",
"OptionGroupMemberships": [
"OptionGroupName": "default:mysql-5-7",
"Status": "pending-apply"
"PubliclyAccessible": true,
"StorageType": "gp2",
"DbInstancePort": 0,
"StorageEncrypted": false,
"DbiResourceId": "db-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"CACertificateIdentifier": "rds-ca-2019",
"DomainMemberships": [],
"CopyTagsToSnapshot": false,
"MonitoringInterval": 0,
"DBInstanceArn": "arn:aws:rds:us-east-2:042171833148:db:database-s9s-mysql-pitr",
"IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled": false,
"PerformanceInsightsEnabled": false,
"DeletionProtection": false,
"AssociatedRoles": []
Both of these approaches take time to create or prepare the database instance until it will be available and viewable in the list of database instances in your AWS RDS console.
AWS RDS PITR Limitations
When using AWS RDS you are tied to them as a vendor. Moving your operations out their system can be troublesome. Here’s are some things you have to consider:
- The level of vendor-lock in when using AWS RDS
- Your only option to recover via PITR requires you to launch a new instance running on RDS
- No way you can recover using PITR process to an external node not in RDS
- Requires you to learn and be familiar with their tools and security framework.
How To Apply A PITR with ClusterControl
ClusterControl performs PITR in a simple, yet straightforward, fashion (but requires you have to enable or set the prerequisites so PITR can be used). As discussed earlier, PITR for ClusterControl works differently than AWS RDS. Here a list of where PITR can be applied using ClusterControl (as of version 1.7.6):
- Applies after the full backup based on the available backup method solutions we support for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB databases.
- For PostgreSQL, only pg_basebackup backup method is supported and compatible to work with PITR
- For MySQL or MariaDB, only xtrabackup/mariabackup backup method is supported and compatible to work with PITR
- Applicable for MySQL or MariaDB databases, PITR applies only if the source node of the full backup is the target node to be recovered.
- MySQL or MariaDB databases requires that you have binary logging enabled
- Applicable for PostgreSQL databases, PITR applies only to the active master/primary and requires that you have to enable WAL archiving.
- PITR can only be applied when restoring an existing full backup
Backup Management for ClusterControl is applicable for environments where databases are not fully managed and requires SSH access which is totally different from AWS RDS. Although they share the same result which is to recover data, the backup solutions that are present in ClusterControl cannot be applicable in AWS RDS. ClusterControl also does not support RDS as well for management and monitoring.
Using ClusterControl for PITR in PostgreSQL
As mentioned earlier of the prerequisites to leverage the PITR, you must have to enable WAL archiving. This can be achieve by clicking the gear icon as shown below:

Since PITR can be applied right after a full backup, you can only run find this feature under the Backup list where you can attempt to restore an existing backup. To do that, the sequence of screenshots will show you how to do it:

Then restore it on the same host as the source of the backup as taken,

Then just specify the date and time,

Once you are set and specify the date and time, ClusterControl will then restore the backup then apply the PITR once the backup is done. You can also verify this by inspecting the job activity logs just like below,

Using ClusterControl for PITR in MySQL/MariaDB
PITR for MySQL or MariaDB does not differ from the approach we have above for PostgreSQL. However, there’s no WAL archiving equivalence nor a button or option you can set that is required to enable the PITR functionality. Since MySQL and MariaDB require that a PITR can be applied using binary logs, in ClusterControl, this can be handled under Manage tab. See below:

Then specify the log_bin variable with the corresponding boolean value. For example,

Once the log_bin is set on the node, ensure that you have the full backup taken on the same node where you will also apply the process of PITR. This is stated earlier in the prerequisites. Alternatively, you can also just edit the configuration files (/etc/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/my.cnf) and add the log_bin=ON under the [mysqld] section, for example.
When binary logs are enabled and a full backup is available, you can then do the PITR process same as how PostgreSQL UI but with different fields that you can fill in. You can specify the date and time or specify based on the binlog’s file and position (or x & y position). See below:

ClusterControl PITR Limitations
In case you’re wondering what you can and cannot do for PITR in ClusterControl, here’s the list below:
- There’s no current s9s CLI tool which supports the PITR process, so it’s not possible to automate or integrate to your CI/CD pipeline.
- No PITR support for external nodes
- No PITR support when the source of the backup is different from the target node
- There’s no such periodic notification of what’s the most latest period of time you can apply for PITR
Both tools have different approaches and different solutions for the target environment. The key takeaways is that AWS RDS has its own PITR which is faster, but is applicable only if your database is hosted under RDS and you are tied to a vendor lock in.
ClusterControl allows you to freely apply the PITR process to whatever data center or on-premise as long as the prerequisites are taken into consideration. It’s goal is to recover the data. Regardless of its limitations, it’s based on how you will use the solution in accordance to the architectural environment you are using.