Free Open Source Database Deployment & Monitoring with ClusterControl Community Edition

The ClusterControl Community Edition is a free-to-use, all-in-one database management system that allows you to easily deploy and monitor the top open source database technologies like MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Galera Cluster and more. It also allows you to import and monitor your existing database stack.
Free Database Deployment

The ClusterControl Community Edition ensures your team can easily and securely deploy production-ready open source database stacks that are built using battle-tested, proven methodologies. You don’t have to be a database expert to utilize the ClusterControl Community Edition – deploying the most popular open sources databases is easy with our point-and-click interface. Even if you are a master of deploying databases, ClusterControl’s point-and-click deployments will save you time and ensure your databases are deployed correctly, removing the chance for human error. There is also a CLI for those who prefer the command line, or need to integrate with automation scripts.
The ClusterControl Community Edition is not restricted to a single database technology and supports the major flavors and versions. With it you’re able to apply point-and-click deployments of MySQL standalone, MySQL replication, MySQL Cluster, Galera Cluster, MariaDB, MariaDB Cluster, Percona XtraDB and Percona Server for MongoDB, MongoDB itself and PostgreSQL!
Free Database Monitoring

The ClusterControl Community Edition makes monitoring easy by providing you the ability to look at all your database instances across multiple data centers or drill into individual nodes and queries to pinpoint issues. Offering a high-level, multi-dc view as well as a deep-dive view, ClusterControl lets you keep track of your databases so you can keep them running at peak performance.
In addition to monitoring the overall stack and node performance you can also monitor the specific queries to identify potential errors that could affect performance and uptime.
Why pay for a monitoring tool when the ClusterControl Community Edition gives you a great one for free!
Free Database Developer Studio

The Developer Studio provides you a set of monitoring and performance advisors to use and lets you create custom advisors to add security and stability to your database infrastructures. It lets you extend the functionality of ClusterControl, which helps you detect and solve unique problems in your environments.
We even encourage our users to share the advisors they have created on GitHub by adding a fork to our current advisor bundle. If we like them and think that they might be good for other users we’ll include them in future ClusterControl releases.
Why Should I use the ClusterControl Community Edition?
These are just a few of the reasons why you should use ClusterControl as your system to deploy and monitor your open source database environments…
- You can deploy knowing you are using proven methodologies and industry best practices.
- If you are just getting started with open source database technology ClusterControl makes it easy for the beginner to deploy and monitor your stacks removing human error and saving you time.
- If you are not familiar with orchestration programs like Puppet and Chef? Don’t worry! The ClusterControl Community Edition uses a point-and-click GUI to make it easy to get your environment production-ready.
- The ClusterControl Community Edition gives you deployment and monitoring in one battle-tested all-in-one system. Why use one tool for scripting only to use a different tool for monitoring?
- If you are not sure what database technology is right for your application? The ClusterControl Community Edition supports nearly two dozen database versions that you can try.
- Have a load balancer running on an existing stack? With the ClusterControl Community Edition you can import and deploy your existing and already configured load balancer to run alongside your database instances.
If you are ready to give it a try click here to download and install the latest version of ClusterControl. Each install comes with the option to activate a 30-day enterprise trial as well.