New ClusterControl User Guide for MySQL-Based Clusters

Following the release of ClusterControl 1.2.8 with a range of cool new features, we have now also published a new ClusterControl User Guide that provides all the steps, tips & tricks to follow in order to successfully deploy, monitor, manage and scale database clusters.
This user guide predominantly covers ClusterControl with MySQL-based clusters, namely:
- Percona XtraDB Cluster
- MariaDB Cluster
- Galera Cluster for MySQL (Codership)
- MySQL Cluster
- MySQL Replication
- A pool of MySQL single instances
New features in ClusterControl 1.2.8 include:
- Deployment and scaling of single-instance MySQL, MariaDB and MongoDB
- YUM/APT repositories for ClusterControl
- Alerts and incident tracking with PagerDuty
- New flexible alarms/email notification system
- Cluster-wide MySQL User Management
- New default dashboards for MySQL/MariaDB
- Puppet Module for ClusterControl
In terms of the ClusterControl User Guide itself, the following sections are new and/or updated:
Deployment – Add existing server/cluster
Users can now add existing MongoDB/TokuMX replica set
Deployment – Create Database Node
New feature introduced in 1.2.8
Alarms – Event Viewer
New feature, introduced in 1.2.8
Overview – Custom Dashboards
Three new default dashboards are now made available: Query performance, InnoDB – Disk I/O, Galera flow-control
Management – Load Balancer
We’ve added load balancing algorithm: roundrobin, least connection and source (previously only least connection was supported)
Administration – Clusters
Added Global MySQL User Management (previously, users had to manage user setting by individual cluster)
We trust that with this User Guide, you’ll have all the tools and information necessary for happy clustering!
Related Resources:
- ClusterControl 1.2.8 Release Blog
- ClusterControl Quick Start Guide
- ClusterControl Installation Guide
- ClusterControl Administration Guide
- ClusterControl Troubleshooting Guide
If you have any questions or would like a personalised live demo, please do contact us.