Talking Sovereign DBaaS with Day Two Cloud

Not too long ago, our CEO Vinay Joosery sat down with Day Two Cloud hosts Ned Bellavance and Ethan Banks to answer some burning questions about how implementing a Sovereign DBaaS can help enterprises regain complete control of their database infrastructure. Want to jump right in? Listen to the entire episode here. Before you go, why are we talking about it?
Two problems we’ve seen many of our enterprise customers facing today is finding people with the skill-set needed to manage polyglot database estates at scale across environments and ops teams managing this scattered infrastructure across multiple tools, each with its own interface, tooling, and nomenclature, which makes it difficult to become proficient with any one provider.
So how can they overcome these challenges? By decoupling the data layer from the infrastructure so that you can manage everything through a true single pane of glass.
This type of implementation allows for uniformity across environments and eliminates multiple business risks. Now that you know the why, here are some of the highlights from the interview:
Sovereignty — what is it, and why does it matter?
We talk a lot about sovereignty in terms of data sovereignty, which refers to the idea that data collected in a particular country is subject to the laws and regulations of that country. For example, if you collect PII from consumers located in Europe, you will be subject to the GDPR. Or if you collect consumer PII from California, you must comply with the CCPA. As more and more companies expand operations across borders, data sovereignty will become increasingly important. And it will be the responsibility of companies to closely monitor compliance with any relevant regulatory law to prevent significant fines, among other business risks.
You don’t have to worry about GDPR, is sovereignty still important?
Well, Sovereign DBaaS is also about sovereignty – or control – over your data layer. This is important because it can help enterprises reduce additional business risks like:
- Vendor lock-in
- Environment lock-in
- Key person dependency
By relying on Sovereign DBaaS providers as the abstraction layer, you can allow for ultimate flexibility through vendor and environment agnosticism to deploy anywhere you want.
Sovereign DBaaS lends itself to more intelligent deployments
By eliminating lock-in, companies are able to make the best decisions about which workloads to deploy in which environments based on a variety of factors.
Perhaps it may be more beneficial to move certain workloads to a different cloud for cost reasons. Maybe you have specific security and compliance requirements that dictate some workloads are best suited for on-prem. Or maybe latency is of concern. Whatever your unique business goals and needs are, Sovereign DBaaS gives you flexibility and freedom of choice to implement more intelligent deployments.
Wrapping up
Now that you’ve got some of the highlights, check out the full conversation with Day Two Cloud.
After that? Read our whitepaper for more details on its features and characteristics. And after that? Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay abreast of even more information we’ll be putting out on Sovereign DBaaS and associated concepts over the next few weeks and months.