High availability in ProxySQL

The proxy layer is crucial when building a highly available MySQL infrastructure; it is therefore imperative to not let it become a single point of failure on its own. And building a highly available proxy layer creates additional challenges, such as how to manage multiple proxy instances, how to ensure that their configuration is in sync, Virtual IP and fail-over.
In this joint webinar with ProxySQL’s creator, René Cannaò, you will learn about building a solid, scalable and manageable proxy layer using ProxySQL. And we will show you how you can make your ProxySQL highly available when deploying it from ClusterControl.
Content of the webinar
- Introduction
- High Availability in ProxySQL
- Layered approach
- Virtual IP
- Keepalived
- Configuration management in distributed ProxySQL clusters
- Demo: ProxySQL + keepalived in ClusterControl
- Deployment
- Failover
- Q&A